The Sun Today
Mount Wilson Observatory
Dopplergram FeI 525.02 nm
Mount Wilson Observatory
Dopplergram FeI 525.02 nm
Mount Wilson Observatory
Dopplergram 589.59 nm Na I (D1)
Mount Wilson Observatory
Dopplergram 589.59 nm Na I (D1)
Mount Wilson Observatory
Intensitygram FeI 525.02 nm
Mount Wilson Observatory
Intensitygram FeI 525.02 nm
Mount Wilson Observatory
Intensitygram 589.59 nm Na I (D1)
Mount Wilson Observatory
Intensitygram 589.59 nm Na I (D1)
Mees Solar Observatory
The Mees K-Line Telescope observes the Sun in the Ca K spectral line.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Mees K-Line Telescope observes the Sun in the Ca K spectral line.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Mees White Light Telescope observes the Sun in white light.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Mees White Light Telescope observes the Sun in white light.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Mees Dual Coronagraph observes the space above the solar limb in H-alpha (10,000 degrees) and Fe XIV (2 million degrees).
Coronal Image
Mees Solar Observatory
The Mees Dual Coronagraph observes the space above the solar limb in H-alpha (10,000 degrees) and Fe XIV (2 million degrees).
Mees Solar Observatory
Each map is drawn from tabular information in the Solar Region Report sent by the Space Environment Center.
Active Region Map
Mees Solar Observatory
Each map is drawn from tabular information in the Solar Region Report sent by the Space Environment Center.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Haleakala Stokes Polarimeter (HSP) at Mees Solar Observatory on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii, measures the polarization of an absorption line in the solar spectrum, and uses the polarization data to map the vector magnetic field in the solar photosphere.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Haleakala Stokes Polarimeter (HSP) at Mees Solar Observatory on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii, measures the polarization of an absorption line in the solar spectrum, and uses the polarization data to map the vector magnetic field in the solar photosphere.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM) at Mees Solar Observatory on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii measures the polarization of an absorption line in the solar spectrum, and uses the polarization data to map the vector magnetic field in the solar photosphere. The IVM observes a region about 203,000 km square on the sun.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM) at Mees Solar Observatory on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii measures the polarization of an absorption line in the solar spectrum, and uses the polarization data to map the vector magnetic field in the solar photosphere. The IVM observes a region about 203,000 km square on the sun.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Mees CCD Imaging Spectrograph (MCCD) at Mees Solar Observatory on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii records the spectrum of all points in a region, repetitively over time. The MCCD normally observes a region about 200,000 km square on the sun.
Mees Solar Observatory
The Mees CCD Imaging Spectrograph (MCCD) at Mees Solar Observatory on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii records the spectrum of all points in a region, repetitively over time. The MCCD normally observes a region about 200,000 km square on the sun.
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
K-Corona 700-950 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
K-Corona 700-950 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
H-Alpha Limb 656.3 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
H-Alpha Limb 656.3 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
H-Alpha Disk 656.3 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
H-Alpha Disk 656.3 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
Helium-I 1083 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
Helium-I 1083 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
CaII K 393 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
CaII K 393 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
Blue 408-412 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
Blue 408-412 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
Red 605-610 nm
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (HAO)
Red 605-610 nm
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