<?php // Finds the name of the APOD (Astronomy Picture Of the Day) from // the URL, downsizes it to a width of 100 pixels and proportional // height, then uploads it to polaris.umuc.edu/~sdsilva/ where it // is accessible from any webpage. require_once ("createThumb.php"); $thumbWidth=100; // determines the width of the thumb $dateToday = date("ymd"); $url = "http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap".$dateToday.".html"; $lines=file($url); $date = date("ym"); $imgUrl = "http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/image/"; // Reads the html document to find the line that contains "href="image$date/" // Then gets the image name $newTmb foreach($lines as $line) { $line=rtrim($line); //xif(strpos(strtolower($line),"href=\"image/$date/")){ if(strpos(strtolower($line),"img src=\"image/")){ $strLength = strlen($line); $startPos = strpos(strtolower($line),"href=\"image/$date/")+21; $newTmb = substr($line,$startPos,$strLength-$startPos-1); $date = substr($line,$startPos-5,4); print $date; print "\n"; print $newTmb; print "\n"; print strlen($line); print "\n"; $imgUrl = $imgUrl.$date."/"; print $imgUrl; print "\n"; break; } } $s_img = $imgUrl.$newTmb; // source image print $s_img."\n"; $d_img = "apod.jpg"; // destination image // converts the image into a thumb of width = $thumbWidth and proportional height $thmb = new createThumb($s_img,$d_img,$thumbWidth); $thmb->image2Thumb(); // uploads it to sdsilva@polaris.umuc.edu:www/ `rsync -avz --stats --rsh=ssh $d_img sdsilva@polaris.umuc.edu:www/`; ?>